DMC压接钳AF8 M22520/1-01描述
DMC AF8符合MILDTL-22520/1标准,在指定范围(12到26 AWG)内,它的应用范围几乎是无限的。超过一千个转塔头可用使工具框架适应特定军用或专有接触/电线组合。 AF8标准的8压印压缩确保了每个闭合接触的绝对拉伸强度。可根据要求提供特殊的缩进配置和测量。
为了正常操作,工具必须与以下可选附件之一配合使用:符合军用标准或非军用标准的转塔头(TH-XXX零件号系列),符合军用标准或非军用标准的定位器(TP-XXX部件号系列),或可调节头(部件号UH2-5)。 这可以简单地通过将头部定位在键控位置,并通过拧紧作为头部的一部分提供的内六角螺钉来完成.
可调节头(P/ N UH2-5)非常适合实验室工作和原型生产应用。该头部以与上述相同的方式连接。所选择的触点通过工具框架与头部相对的一侧的入口孔插入。然后旋转高度调节螺钉,直到触头处于适当的位置进行压接。螺钉可以用提供的锁紧螺母固定。需要进行一些测试以确定接触/电线组合的最佳选择器设置。
AF8大约9¾"*2½"*1¼",重15 oz。
The DMC AF8, qualified to MIL- DTL-22520/1*, has virtually limitless application within the specified wire range of 12 through 26 AWG. Over a thousand turret heads are available to adapt the tool frame to your specific military or proprietary contact/wire combination. The 8 impression crimp, which is standard in the AF8, assures absolute maximum tensile strength with almost every closed barrel contact.
Special indent configurations and gaging are available upon request.
For proper operation, the tool must be mated with one of the following optional accessories: a military standard or non-military turret head (TH-XXX Part No. Series), a military standard or non-military positioner (TP-XXX Part No. Series), or an adjustable head (Part No. UH2-5). This is done simply by orienting the head in the keyed position, and by tightening the hex socket screws provided as part of the head.
The precision ratchet controls cycling of the tool in both directions of handle movement. This assures the same accurate crimp every time. It’s like having a quality control inspector at every work station.
Positive crimp depth is controlled by an 8 position selector knob
conveniently located on the tool frame. The operator simply dials the desired step for the wire being used. This setting can be secured by use of a locking pin or safety wire.
The carefully engineered design achieves the absolute maximum mechanical advantage and the tool’s light weight helps minimize operator fatigue.
A permanent dataplate is affixed to all turret heads and positioners. This plate lists specific contact part numbers, the corresponding position color code (for 3 position turret heads),and suggested selector depth settings for the wire size being used.
The adjustable head (P/N UH2-5)is ideally suited for lab work and prototype production applications. This head is attached in the same manner as explained above. The selected contact is inserted through the entry hole on the opposite side of the tool frame from the head. The height adjusting screw is then rotated until the contact is in the proper position for crimping. The screw can be secured with the locknut provided. Some testing will be necessary to determine the optimum selector setting for your contact/wire combination.
The AF8 is approximately 93⁄4" x 21⁄2" x 11⁄4" and weighs 15 oz.
爱泽工业(IZE INDUSTRIES)特价经销、常用DMC AF8压接钳套件型号:
DMC压接钳M22520/1-01 AF8
DMC压接钳AF8M22520/1-02 TH1A
DMC定位器M22520/1-03 H4
DMC定位器M22520/1-04 TH163
DMC定位器M22520/1-05 UH2-5
DMC定位器M22520/1-06 TP45
DMC定位器M22520/1-07 TP85
DMC定位器M22520/1-08 TH199S
DMC定位器M22520/1-09 TP360
DMC定位器M22520/1-10 TP365
DMC定位器M22520/1-11 TP465
DMC定位器M22520/1-12 TH270
DMC定位器M22520/1-13 TH285
DMC定位器M22520/1-14 TH286
DMC定位器M22520/1-15 TP485
DMC定位器M22520/1-16 TP513
DMC定位器M22520/1-17 TP651
DMC定位器M22520/3-1 G125
如果有任何关于DMC压接钳AF8 M22520/1-01的疑问,请随时致电我们,爱泽工业(021-31006702)。我们将尽全力解决您的问题。
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If you have any question for DMC AF8 M22520/1-01 , please feel free to dial 0086-21-3100 6702 or browse our website:
DMC压接钳AF8 M22520/1-01产品描述