Pressure Relief Valve Inspection and Maintenance
Relief valves should be inspected each time the container is filled but no less than once a year. If there is any doubt about the condition of the relief valve, it must be replaced.
Major Factors to determine “Life” of Relief Valves
• 积水/积冰
Water/Ice Accumulation
• 腐蚀
• 污垢——碎屑
Dirt – Debris
• 损害
• 正常老化
Normal Aging
在压力下检查泄压阀时必须戴护目镜。 切勿在压力下直视泄压阀,或将身体的任何部位放在泄压阀排放可能影响的位置。 在某些情况下,建议在进行目视检查时使用手电筒和小镜子来提供帮助。
Eye protection must be worn when performing inspection on relief valves under pressure. Never look directly into a relief valve under pressure or place any part of your body where the relief vale discharge could impact it. In some cases, a flashlight and a small mirror are suggested to assist when making visual inspections.
1 防雨帽 / Rain cap
检查位于阀门中或管道末端的保护帽是否安装牢固。保护帽有助于保护泄压阀免受雨、雨夹雪、雪、冰、沙、污垢、鹅卵石、昆虫、其他碎屑和污染物可能引起的故障。 立即更换损坏或丢失的盖子,并始终保持盖子在原位。
Check protective cap located in valve or at end of pipe away for a secure fit. Protective caps help protect the pressure relief valve against possible malfunction caused by rain, sleet, snow, ice, sand, dirt, pebbles, insects, other debris and contamination. REPLACE DAMAGED OR MISSING CAPS AT ONCE AND KEEP A CAP IN PLACE AT ALL TIMES.
2 打开排水孔 / Open weep holes
污垢、冰、油漆和其他异物会妨碍阀体正常排水。 如果无法清除渗漏孔,请更换泄压阀。
Dirt, ice, paint and other foreign particles can prevent proper drainage from the valve body. IF THE WEEP HOLES CANNOT BE CLEARED, REPLACE THE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE.
3 泄压阀弹簧老化腐蚀 / Deterioration and corrosion on pressure relief valve spring
暴露于高浓度的水、盐、工业污染物、化学品和道路污染物中可能会导致金属部件失效。 如果弹簧上的涂层破裂或碎裂,请更换泄压阀。
Exposure to high concentrations of water, salt, industrial pollutants, chemicals and roadway contaminates could cause metal parts to fail. IF THE COATING ON THE SPRING IS CRACKED OR CHIPPED, REPLACE THE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE.
4 物理损坏 / Physical damage
积冰和不正确的安装可能会导致机械损坏。 如果有任何损坏迹象,请更换泄压阀。
Ice accumulations and improper installation could cause mechanical damage. IF THERE ARE ANY INDICATIONS OF DAMAGE, REPLACE THE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE.
5 篡改或重新调整 / Tampering or readjustment
Pressure relief valves are factory set to discharge at specified pressure. IF THERE ARE ANY INDICATIONS OT TAMPERING OR READJUSTMENT, RELPACE THE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE.
6 阀座泄漏 / Seat leakage
使用非腐蚀性泄漏检测溶液检查阀座区域是否有泄漏。如果有任何泄漏迹象,请更换泄压阀。 切勿强行关闭泄压阀并继续使用。这可能会导致阀门损坏,并可能导致安装减压阀的容器或管道破裂。
Check for leaks in the seating area using a non-corrosive leak detection solution. REPLACE THE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE IF THERE ARE ANY INDICATION OF LEAKAGE. Never force a pressure relief valve closed and continue to leave it in service. This could result in damage to the valve and possible rupture of the container or piping on which the pressure relief valve is installed.
7 腐蚀和污染 / Corrosion and contamination
8 泄压阀中有水分、异物或污染物 / Moisture, foreign particles or contaminates in the pressure relief valve
泄压阀部件中的油漆、焦油或冰等异物会影响阀门的正常工作。 放置在阀体中的润滑脂可能会随着时间的推移变硬或聚集污染物,从而影响减压阀的正常运行。 请勿在阀体中加入润滑脂。 如果有任何迹象表明有水分或异物,请更换泄压阀。
Foreign material such as paint, tar or ice in pressure relief valve parts can impair the proper functioning on the valves. Grease placed in the valve body may harden over time or collect contaminates, thereby impairing the proper operation of the pressure relief valve. DO NOT PLACE GREASE IN THE VALVE BODY. REPLACE THE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE IF THERE ARE ANY INDICATIONS OF MOISTURE OR FOREIGH MATTER.
9 容器连接处腐蚀或泄漏 / Corrosion or leakage at the container connection.
使用非腐蚀性泄漏检测溶液检查容器与泄压阀的连接。 如果连接处和容器有任何腐蚀或泄漏迹象,请更换泄压阀。
Check container to pressure relief valve connection with a non-corrosive leak detection solution. REPLACE THE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE IF THERE IS ANY INDICATION OF CORROSION OR LEAKAGE AT THE CONNECTION AND CONTAINER.
注意 / Caution:
切勿堵塞减压阀的出口。 任何用于停止正常运行的泄压阀的流动的装置都会引起严重的安全问题。
Never plug the outlet of a pressure relief valve. Any device used to stop the flow of a properly operating pressure relief valve that is venting an overfilled or over pressurized container – raises serious safety concerns.
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