A question of culture
颜色是一种材料,也是商品,但它们也承载着许多层次的意义、影响和感觉。 例如,在中国,绿色与女性原则相关联,是长寿和慈悲的象征。 另一方面,在伊斯兰文化中,绿色代表男性,是穆罕默德的颜色。 它表示诸如精神健康和物质繁荣之类的事情。 与此同时,欧洲人将绿色与成长联系在一起,并认为绿色有助于对抗紧张和压力——事实上,它非常有效,以至于瑞士的一些健康保险基金到现在都支持用绿光波治疗倦怠患者。
Colors are a material and a commodity, but they are also loaded with many layers of meaning, impact and feeling. For example, in China, green is associated with the female principle of yin and serves as a symbol of long life and compassion. In lslamic culture, on the other hand, green is male, as the color of Muhammad. It denotes things like mental well-being and material prosperity. Europeans, meanwhile, associate green with growth and believe it is good against tension and stress - and so effective, in fact, that some health-insurance funds in Switzerland now support the treatment of burnout patients with green light waves.
一种文化在气候方面的位置也会影响人们对颜色的感知。 如果你生气时看到红色,那你可能不是俄罗斯人。 在非常寒冷的国家,红色会作为温暖的颜色——主要给人以积极的联想。 在俄罗斯,红色意味着有价值或美丽的东西,直译为“红色的词”的比喻表示机智的评论。在酷热可以威胁生命的阿拉伯文化中,红色代表着恶魔。在中国,它是幸福的颜色,许多小孩子都穿红色的衣服。
A culture's location in terms of climate also has a bearing on how colors are perceived. If you see red when you are angry, you are probably not a Russian. In very cold countries, red - as the color of warmth- has mainly positive associations. In Russia, red means something valuable or beautiful, and the metaphor that translates literally as“red word" denotes a witty remark. In Arab culture, where scorching heat can become life-threatening, red represents something demonic. In China, it is the color of happiness, and many small children wear red clothes.
Unachievable nature
理论上,使用者现在有 250,000 种颜色可以选择。然而,尽管现在有这么多可能,但大自然中仍有极难人工复制的色彩。 极乐鸟有着令人兴奋的色彩外观,其羽毛会根据光线的照射方式在橙黄色和蓝绿色之间变化,这是色彩设计师和颜料开采者的标准名单中所缺少的。 这种鸟的彩虹色至今仍无法模仿,这要归于其羽毛的结构和排列方式非常独特。 部分公司正在试验新的人工技术。 旨在捕捉光线的载体物质,使其像极乐鸟的羽毛一样闪闪发光。
In theory, drivers can now choose from 250,000 colors. However, although so much is now possible, nature offers displays of color that are extremely hard to replicate artifially. The thilling color appearance of the bird of paradise, whose plumage changes between orange-yellow and blue- green depending on how the light falls, is missing from the standard repertoire of color designers and pigment miners. The bird owes its iridescence, which remains inimitable to this day, to its plumage, which is structured and arranged in a very distinctive way. Companies are experimenting with new artificial . carrier substances that are intended to catch the light so that it shimmers like the plumage of the bird of paradise.
在工业不断追求新的完美水平的同时,Kremer在继续寻找只有大自然才能提供的不规则性。 Kremer 目前正专注于一种特定的树脂——一种可用于制作清漆的树脂,其清洁度低于目前使用的树脂。这是小提琴制造商渴望的目标,他们正在寻找尽可能最好地再现独特的斯特拉迪瓦里 (Stradivarius) 之声的方法。 为此,需要一种由自然污染树脂制成的清漆,这种树脂是安东尼奥·贾科莫·斯特拉迪瓦里 (Antonio Giacomo Stradivari) 在 17 世纪末发现的。
While industry continues to work on new levels of perfection, Kremer carries on searching for the kinds of irregularity that only nature can offer. Kremer is currently focusing on a specific tree resin - one that can be used to make a varnish that is less clean than those currently available. This is the object of desire for ambitious violin-makers, who are on the hunt for the best possible reproduction of the unique Stradivarius sound. To create that, the violin needs a varnish from naturally contaminated resins of the sort that Antonio Giacomo Stradivari found at the end of the 17th century.
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