德国MR CHEMIE显像剂MR70产品描述
General appearance and composition:
Solvent removable developer for red and fluorescent penetrant testing form d and e according to EN ISO 3452-1
Water mixable
Dries quickly
Processing temperature -30 °C to +50 °C
Aerosol overhead sprayable
Relevant approvals and specifications
Sample testing acc. to EN ISO 3452-2 and EN ISO 3452-6
Low content of halogens and sulphur according to EN ISO 3452-2and ASME Code V, Section V, Article 6
In correspondence with Lloyd's Reg., Bureau Veritas, Det Norske Veritas,admitted by Framatome ANP
Produits et Matériaux Utilisables en Centrales (PMUC)
TLV 9017 01:2011-01
Remove tinder, rust and other contaminations from surface in a suitable manner. A
possible precleaner for removal of oils or fats is e.g. our remover MR79.
Apply MR Penetrant to the part to be tested either by spraying, brushing, flooding
or dipping. Allow to penetrate for at least 5 minutes.
Remove excess MR Penetrant from surface either using water or a clean lint-free
cloth lightly moistened with an MR Remover.
Spray MR70 Developer from a distance of approx. 20 cm on the dry surface,
achieving a thin, uniform layer. Depending on the used penetrant, surface defects
will appear as red or fluorescent indications. Please note: If the developer layer is too thick tiny discontinuities will not appear through the developer.
When using a spray gun connected to compressed air it must be ensured that the
supplied air is free of water and fat.
Minimum shelf life:
Will keep for a minimum of 4 years, stored at room temperature
Pack sizes:
Aerosols, 500 ml (1 box contains 12 aerosols)
5 L, 30 L
Valve pen
如果有任何关于德国MR CHEMIE显像剂MR70的疑问,请随时与我们联系,爱泽工业(86-021-31006702)。我们将尽全力解决您的问题。
有关德国MR CHEMIE显像剂MR70产品更详细的信息或者购买德国MR CHEMIE相关产品,请联系爱泽工业。
德国MR CHEMIE显像剂MR70产品描述