ECCOSHIELD® ES is a highly conductive surface coating that is a fine silver based lacquer and is sufficiently fluid enough that it will readily flow into cracks. However, ECCOSHIELD® ES will not fill gross voids at joints or seams; use a caulking compound such as ECCOSHIELD® VY product.
ECCOSHIELD® ES was specifically formulated for RF shielding applications and is often used to improve the RF integrity of metal housings or screen rooms. By applying ECCOSHIELD® ES to joints, seams and contacting surfaces, it is possible to convert a reasonably good metal structure to one of greater than 100 dB insertion loss from 15 kHz to 10 GHz. Metal to metal contact can be improved significantly as the coating fills slight irregularities and makes such intimate contact with exposed metal that even corroded joints can be made acceptable RF seals. When applied to a non-conductor, surface resistivity is substantially less than 1 ohm/square. Successive coats decrease surface resistivity even further. ECCOSHIELD® ES adheres well to metals, plastics,ceramics,wood,andconcrete
Eccoshield ES is a highly conductive surface coating that is a fine silver based lacquer and issufficiently fluid enough to readily flow into cracks. Eccoshield ES will not fill gross voids atjoints or seams; use a caulking compound such as Eccoshield VY. Metal to metal contact isimproved significantly by applying Eccoshield ES. The coating fills slight irregularities andmakes such intimate contact with exposed metal that even corroded joints can be madeacceptable RF seals. Eccoshield ES adheres well to metals, plastics, ceramics, wood andconcrete. When applied to a non-conductor, surface resistivity is substantially less than1 ohm/square. Successive coats decrease surface resistivity even further.
• Highly conductive coating
• Fluid consistency allows material to readilyflow into cracks to improve shielding
• Commercial Telecom
• Test and Measurement
• Eccoshield ES was specifically formulated for RF shielding applications and is often used toimprove the RF integrity of metal housings or screen rooms.
• By applying Eccoshield ES to joints, seams, and contacting surfaces, it is possible toconvert a reasonably good metal structure to one of greater than 100 dB insertion lossfrom 15 kHz to 10 GHz
• Please contact your local supplier as there might be regional differences with regard topackaging.
• Eccoshield ES is a hazardous material (flammable).
• Eccoshield ES can be brushed or sprayed, with adequate ventilation recommended.
When sprayed using standard spraying equipment, it can drive the silver particles intocrevices and other hard to reach places.
• If a diluent is needed, use methyl ethyl ketone MEK.
• Remove grease, oil, wax and other debris from the surface to be coated with a suitablesolvent or cleaning agent. If electrical contact is to be established with a metal base, themetal surface must be free from non-conductive films.
• Shake the contents of the container in which the Eccoshield ES is received in until it isuniform in consistency, then pour out the desired amount.
• Apply the Eccoshield ES to the prepared surface with either a brush or spraying
• The coating will normally air dry in one hour to a surface resistivity of less than 1ohm/square. Apply additional coats if needed.
• The handling of this product should present no problems if ordinary care is exercised toavoid breathing vapours, the skin is protected against contamination, swallowing isavoided and the eyes are protected.
• Do not use near an open flame as it is highly flammable. The flash point is 4 °C. Keep awayfrom direct sunlight, ovens, radiators, hot water, and other heat sources; hightemperatures may cause bursting of the container.
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如果有任何关于美国LAIRD涂料ECCOSHIELD® ES的疑问,请随时与我们联系,(021-3100 6702),我们将尽全力解决您的问题。
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If you have any question, please feel free to dial 0086-21-3100 6702 or browse our website: www.ize-industries.com.