Mechanical Linear Actuators
Mechanical linear actuators typically operate by the conversion of rotary motion into linear motion (motion in a straight line). Mechanical linear actuators convert rotary motion of a control knob or handle into linear displacement using screws and/or gears to which the knob or handle is attached. A jackscrew or car jack is a familiar mechanical linear actuator.
A car jack is a simple example of a mechanical actuator
Another type of linear actuator is based on the segmented spindle. Rotation of the jack handle is converted mechanically into the linear motion of the jack head. Mechanical linear actuators are also frequently used in the field of lasers and optics to manipulate the position of linear stages, rotary stages, mirror mounts, goniometers and other positioning instruments. For accurate and repeatable positioning, index marks may be used on control knobs. Some linear actuator designs include an encoder and digital position readout. These are similar to the adjustment knobs used on micrometers, except that their purpose is position adjustment rather than position measurement. Conversion is typically made using a few simple mechanisms:
• 丝杠:丝杠、螺旋升降机、滚珠丝杠和滚柱丝杠线性执行器均采用简单丝杠的原理和功能运行。通过旋转执行器的螺母,丝杠轴沿直线移动。丝杠:丝杠、螺旋升降机、滚珠丝杠和滚柱丝杠线性执行器均采用简单丝杠的原理和功能运行。通过旋转执行器的螺母,丝杠轴沿直线移动。
Screws: lead screw, screw jack, ball screw and roller screw linear actuators all operate on the principles and functions of a simple screw. By rotating the actuator's nut, the screw shaft moves in a straight line.
• 轮轴:起重机、绞车、齿条小齿轮、链传动、皮带传动、刚性链和刚性皮带线性执行器按照轮轴的原理和功能运行,其中旋转的轮子移动电缆、齿条、链条或皮带以产生线性运动。
Wheel and Axle: Hoist, winch, rack and pinion, chain drive, belt drive, rigid chain and rigid belt linear actuators operate on the principles and functions of the wheel and axle, wherein a rotating wheel moves a cable, rack, chain or belt to produce linear motion.
• 凸轮:凸轮线性致动器的工作原理与楔块类似,但行程相对有限。当轮状凸轮旋转时,其偏心形状会在轴的底部产生推力。凸轮:凸轮线性致动器的工作原理与楔块类似,但行程相对有限。当轮状凸轮旋转时,其偏心形状会在轴的底部产生推力。
Cam: Cam linear actuators function on a principle similar to that of the wedge, but provide relatively limited travel. As a wheel-like cam rotates, its eccentric shape provides thrust at the base of a shaft.
Some mechanical linear actuators only pull (such as hoists, chain drive and belt drives), while other types only push (such as a cam actuator). Pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders, or lead screw linear actuators can be designed to provide force in both directions. The selection of the linear actuator is dependent upon the application and budget.
Hydraulic Linear Actuators
Hydraulic linear actuators, sometimes referred to as or hydraulic cylinders, typically involve a hollow cylinder with a piston inserted into it. An unbalanced pressure applied to the piston provides the necessary force that moves an external object. Since liquids are nearly incompressible, a hydraulic cylinder can provide controlled precise linear displacement of the piston. The displacement is only along the axis of the piston. Although the term "hydraulic actuator" refers to a device controlled by a hydraulic pump, an example of a manually operated hydraulic linear actuator is a simple hydraulic car jack.
Pneumatic Linear Actuators
Pneumatic linear actuators, sometimes referred to as pneumatic cylinders, are similar to hydraulic linear actuators except they use compressed gas to provide pressure, rather than a liquid force.
Piezoelectric Linear Actuators
The piezoelectric effect is a property of certain materials in which the application of a voltage to the material causes it to expand. Very high voltages correspond to only tiny expansions. As a result, piezoelectric linear actuators can achieve extremely fine positioning resolution. The downside to the piezoelectric linear actuator is that it has a very short range of motion. In addition, piezoelectric materials exhibit hysteresis, which makes it difficult to control its expansion in a repeatable manner.
Electromechanical Linear Actuators
Electromechanical linear actuators are similar to mechanical actuators, the only difference being that the control knob or handle is replaced with an electric motor. Rotary motion of the motor is converted into linear displacement of the actuator. There are many designs of modern linear actuators. Every linear actuator manufacturer has their own proprietary methods and designs, making it difficult to cross parts from one manufacturer to another for a given application.
The following is a example description of a very simple electromechanical linear actuator. Typically, an electric motor is mechanically connected to rotate a lead screw. A lead screw has a continuous helical thread machined on its circumference running along the length (similar to the thread on a bolt). Threaded onto the lead screw is a lead nut or ball nut with corresponding helical threads. The nut is prevented from rotating with the lead screw (typically the nut interlocks with a non-rotating part of the actuator body). Therefore, when the lead screw is rotated, the nut is driven along the threads. The direction of motion of the nut will depend on the direction of rotation of the lead screw. By connecting to the nut, the motion can be converted to usable linear displacement.
Standard Construction or Compact Construction?
A linear actuator using standard motors will typically use the motor as a separate cylinder attached to the side of the actuator, either parallel with the actuator or stuck out to the side, positioned perpendicular to the actuator. Sometimes the motor is attached to the back end of the actuator. The drive motor is of typical construction with a solid drive shaft that is geared to the drive nut or drive screw of the linear actuator.
紧凑型线性执行器可能只有约 6 英寸长(包含电机)
Compact linear actuators may only be about 6 inches long, motor included
Compact linear actuators use specially designed motors that fit the motor and actuator components into the smallest possible footprint. In such cases, the inner diameter of the motor shaft can be enlarged, so that the drive shaft can be hollow. The drive screw and nut can therefore occupy the center of the motor, with no need for additional gearing between the motor and the drive screw. Similarly, the motor can be made to have a small outer diameter, with the pole faces stretched out lengthwise so that the motor will provide high torque while fitting in a small diameter design.
Motor-Type Linear Actuators
A motor-type linear actuator basically functions the same as a rotary electric motor with the rotor and stator circular magnetic field components designed so that they are laid out in a straight line. Whereas a rotary motor rotates and re-uses the same magnetic pole faces again and again, the magnetic field structures of a motor-type linear actuator are physically repeated across the length of the actuator. Since the motor moves in a linear fashion to begin with, no lead screw is needed to convert rotary motion to linear. While high capacity is possible, the material and/or motor limitations on most designs are surpassed relatively quickly due to a reliance solely on magnetic attraction and repulsion forces. Most linear actuator motors have a low load capacity compared to other types of linear actuators. However, linear actuator motors have an advantage in outdoor or dirty environments in that the two halves do not need to contact each other, so the electromagnetic drive coils can be waterproofed and sealed against moisture and corrosion. The linear actuator motor design provides for a very long service life, so it can be an economical choice for some applications.
Special Design: Telescoping Linear Actuator
• 螺旋带线性执行器
• 刚性带线性执行器
• 刚性链线性执行器
• 分段主轴线性执行器
Telescoping linear actuators are specialized linear actuators that are typically used where space restrictions or other requirements dictate the best fit. The telescoping linear actuator's range of motion is many times greater than the unextended length of the actuating member. A common form is made of concentric tubes of approximately equal length that extend and retract like sleeves, one inside the other, such as the telescopic cylinder. Other more specialized telescoping linear actuators use actuating members that act as rigid linear shafts when extended, but break that line by folding, separating into pieces and/or uncoiling when retracted.
Examples of telescoping linear actuators include:
• Helical Band Linear Actuators
• Rigid Belt Linear Actuators
• Rigid Chain Linear Actuators
• Segmented Spindle Linear Actuators
Screw-Driven Linear Actuators
Also called linear stages or linear actuator tables, screw-driven linear actuators are suitable for low-speeds, heavy loads, and high-inertial loads. These devices are typically used in positioning equipment, CNC machines, and anywhere else slow point-to-point movement is required.
Belt-Driven Actuators
Designed for high-speeds and light loads, belt-driven actuators are only suitable for low-inertial loads. Common applications for belt actuators include automated windows and doors, high-speed data acquisition, and scanning devices.
Rod-Style Actuators
Rod actuators excel at lifting and thrusting applications, with thrust-bearings built into the actuators themselves. They are similar to screw-driven tables in terms of speed, load, positioning, and accuracy capabilities. Rod actuators offer a compact, collapsible design great for projects where space constraints are a concern.
Stepper Motor Linear Actuators
Stepper linear actuators are intended for point-to-point positioning applications. This type of actuator is best suited for applications with light loads and slow speeds. Steppers are open loop accurate, so they do not require an encoder for accurate positioning.
带集成滚珠丝杠的 BLDC 电机
BLDC Motors with Integrated Ball Screws
The brushless DC linear actuators are great for high-speed motion. Their specialty is delivering power density at high speeds, rather than the high accuracy of a stepper. Brushless linear actuators may require an encoder to obtain accurate positioning data.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Specific Linear Actuator Designs
Advantages of Linear Actuators
Each type of linear actuator is made differently and has its own advantages. Mechanical linear actuators, for example, are relatively inexpensive, reusable, and self-contained. Piezoelectric linear actuators can create extremely small linear motions and can consequently be used for microcomputer and micro-mechanical applications. Hydraulic linear actuators can produce a large amount of pressure, and therefore, can be used for heavy duty applications. Pneumatic linear actuators are powerful, compact, lightweight, very simply designed, and provide repeatable motion.
Disadvantages of Linear Actuators
While each linear actuator has its own advantages, each also has its disadvantages. For example, mechanical linear actuators are strictly manual and cannot be automated. Piezoelectric linear actuators are slow, can only move across small areas, are very expensive, require a high voltage to be effective, and require a secondary force to push the shaft back into its initial position.
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